Unleashed is more than just a zDoom Launcher. With it, you can edit the most popular parts of the ZDoom INI file edit the Cajun BOTS and, of course, launch ZDoom. It was made using Visual Basic 6.0.
-Open and save settings
-Gameplay Options (DMGFLAGS and DMFLAGS2)
-9 Game WAD Locations
-All ZDoom parameters used (from ZDoom 1.22 text files)
-Hyperlinks to ZDoom website
-MDI Interface (Windows 3 and 4 are only needed to change special options so they can be kept hidden if you want)
-Infinite Map WAD & DeHackEd location storing + others
-All Game WAD map names listed
-Random level selection
-Savegame pictures, descriptions and information
-Everything has a helpful tooltip
-Command line editable and viewable at bottom of screen
-File location checking
-ZDoom INI Editor - player colour/name etc, sound volume and chat macros, chat macros and display options
-Cajun bot editor - adding/removing/renaming bots